Friday, June 27, 2014

It's That Time of Year again...

That's right, folks! Fireworks season has hit again. Here are my tips for keeping your dogs safe during this raucous time:

1) Leave Sparky at home
         I know you love those fireworks. Most people do. And while I know you want to include your dog in all of your festivities, this is one time where you are better off leaving your furry friend at home. It is astounding how many pets are lost this time of year, most because they run away - trying to escape the booming and strange flashes of very bright lights. Make sure you leave your dog home, secured, where he is safe for your return.

2) Don't share
         That picnic food is delicious, and you love your macaroni salad - and I'm sure your dog would too. HOWEVER, loaded with onions and spices and artificial ingredients doesn't make for healthy treats for your pups -- and yes, those onions CAN kill them. Stop sneaking your left overs under the table - especially that barbequed chicken wing!

3) Don't leave your little buddy outside by himself
          I will reiterate that this is the biggest time of year for lost pets. Don't think that just because you have a fenced yard your pet is safe. Not only is a scared dog likely to find anyway he can to escape, but there are far to many people now-a-days stealing dogs from right out of their yards. Seriously. It's scary. And please, definitely do not leave your dog chained out (or on a line) unsupervised. I had a dog strangle himself that way. You never recover from something like that.

4) Keep the ID tags on ALL THE TIME
          If your dog does happen to get lost, you definitely want a way to get them back. Microchipping is great - but not everyone thinks about it, so it's good to have tags on with a phone number where you can be reached, and possibly your vet's number too. I definitely advocate for a combination - it's always good to have a back-up.

If your pup is really scared, there are some things you can try:

  • Bach Flower Essence are said to work wonders. You can add it to their water, or rub a bit on their gums to help calm riled nerves. It only takes a drop or two to be affective!
  • Thundershirts are suppose to help a dog feel more comfortable. I have never tried them. Let me know if they work for you?
  • TTouch and acupressure are both great tools to add to your dog care knowledge base! Great for many situations.
  • Let them have a safe place - whether it's a crate, under the bed, in a closet, or balled up in a space that is half the size of them - just let them stay there, and try to comfort them - no, cooing at a scared dog won't help them get over their fear, but it won't make it any worse, either.
  • If all else fails, you can take the dog for a drive FAR AWAY from the offending situation.  
Overall I want to wish you an uneventful holiday season, with lots of love to your furry friends!

Well, well, Guess who's back!

Sooooo... it's been a year... Whoops!

You know how things can sometimes slip away from you for a bit? Well, the blog slipped away. So, let's play catch-up, shall we?


Yeah, nothing has really happened that's worth noting... just been plugging along day to day. HA!

Oo! Okay, I started a new training method for my own pack. I've always tried to use an R+ method, with a little P- mixed in (meaning, You did good! Here's a cookie! or That's not acceptable, now you can't have the ball anymore). This is effective when you want rote memorization and response to "sit" and "down" (which, if I'm honest with myself, weren't reliable here anyway - especially at a distance) but can get boring to not only the dog, but I WAS GETTING BORED AS WELL! Hey, I never claimed to be a brilliant trainer... I love dogs, and they love me, and I'm a great dog walker. I admit I have a lot to gain in the training aspect of things, though. And I want to be GREAT! I want my dogs to be GREAT! Good enough isn't good enough anymore.

Cut to present day: I have come upon a grand new tool in Susan Garrett's Choice Training. Contrary to what I was doing before, I am now not only encouraging my dogs to make their own decisions, but teaching them how using GAMES!! I haven't gone very far yet, but I've seen amazing results!

Maggie, who is reactive at the fence and on leash, has become much easier to redirect,

while Max's recall is improving dramatically,

and Stella is getting to like a crate. Her recall has also gotten so much better!

It takes time and patience, and I know I have a long way to go yet, but my dogs and  I are HAVING FUN training again! And that is worth a million dollars to me! I can't wait to see where it takes us.

Otherwise, I've been walking as much as I can (I did take some time off for some medical issues, but things have gotten back on track and we are walking again!). Just a reminder that I do walk in all safe weather - snow, sleet, wind, a little rain never hurt anybody - as long as it's not too hot/cold, or storming, I am out there helping our furry buddies get their much needed exercise!

I am taking on a couple new clients. If you're interested call me today! These spots will fill up quickly.